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LW's 12m Dennis Trident with Alexander ALX500

A 12 metres 3-axles Dennis Trident with Alexander ALX500 bodywork owned by Long Win, which is a subsidiary of KMB (Kowloon Motor Bus, the largest bus operator in HK).

LW's 12m Dennis Trident with Alexander ALX500

Another view of the 12 metres 3-axles Dennis Trident owned by Long Win

CMB's buses

A historical photo: Buses of CMB (China Motor Bus), a company ceased to be a franchised bus operator in HK in 1998. Its routes and fleets were acquired by NFB (New World First Bus) -- a joint company by HK New World Group and UK First Group.
From Left (the yellow one) to right:
A. 12 metres 3-axles Dennis Condor with Duple bodywork
B. 11.45 metres 2-axles MCW Metrobus MKI
C. Leyland Victory MKII with Alexander bodywork
D. Leyland Victory MKII with Duple bodywork

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